Literal (Know):
10 Hour Mentorship Log
Wednesday, 8/1/12 5:30pm-6:30pm (1 hour)
Tuesday, 8/7/12 5:00pm-9:00pm (4hours)
Wednesday, 8/15/12 5:30pm-6:30pm (1 hour)
Saturday, 8/25/12 7:30am-3:30pm (8 hours)
My duties include monitoring the children and teens that go to the center, preparing games that are played in the gym, collecting equipment when everyone is done, helping with other activities, working events held at the center, going to the meetings for up and coming events, reporting misbehavior, and making sure everyone has a pleasant time.
Candice Smith (909) 395-2393
Literal (Need to Know):
-What is needed to keep the kids coming back to the community center?
-What is the best way to prevent problems at the community center?
-How many kids will pass through in a day?
-How much compromise will there need to be when selecting a game for the kids to play?
-How many events will be held throughout my time at the center?
-How many different kinds of people will go to the center regularly?
The most important thing that I've gained from this experience is patience, before i started this program I would get upset at people who were slow to learn and mad at people who wouldn't function with everyone else. After having to teach kids games and keep everyone calm to not get mad if they were losing taught me that patience is a very important skill in most jobs. This makes me happy that i picked this topic for my project and eager to learn more.
My time at the De Anza Community Center helped me decide on my topic because I've learned so much through my public service at the center that I'm sure in a year I will learn much more in the year to come.